Thursday, March 11, 2010

Funky Neon

There is this cool Neon sign down at Southbank. Every time I walk past it I think that I'd like to photograph it... Well I finally did.

I took a number of shots, mainly just of the neon, but I like the crop that includes the lonely seat. I actually added a little bit of grain to this shot to add to the drama.

Then I went a little crazy in photoshop.... I can't quite decide which one I like best. I'd love to get some comments on whether the photoshop is funky or just too much...

...and cropped to make it a little more abstract...


  1. I like the idea that the origional photo is so moody, but I can see the cropped and coloured version as printed on canvas in a child room. Complete change of context!

  2. I re-posted the 1st picture because a number of people commented that it was difficult to make out the seat. I guess that is the difference between computer monitors... I hope this is better.
